Details Name of the Contact Person Contact Number
Front Office- Contact Person Details (Receptionist) Suman Singh 033-2560 3898
 Academics-Contact Person Details Principal  9051978666
Principal’s Office-Contact Person Details Chandrika Panja 9123630906
 Registrar  Office-Contact Person Details Anirbit Sengupta 6291977708
 Admission-Contact Person Details Aviroop Dewan 6291977707
Centre  For Technical Support-Contact Person Details ( System Admin ) Abhishek Bysack 7003763638
 Estate Office -Contact Person Details  ( Site Supervision ) Suman Mukherjee 7003831004
 Finance  Office-Contact Person Details Abhishek Das 8918173281
 Human  Resource-Contact Person Details Chandrika Panja 9123630906
 Institutional Information Service (IIS)-Contact Person Details Nirupam Sarkar 8902496652
 TNP & International and Public Relations-Contact Person  Details Debina Dey 9836158442
 Office of  Student’s  Welfare-Contact Person Details Nirupam Sarkar 8902496652
 Purchase  Office  &  Store – Contact Person Details Rahul Chowdhury 8820426030
 Examination Cell and Student Record Section-Contact Person Details Mr. Sanjoy Bhattacharjee 7980328567
Student Outreach Department-Contact Person Nirupam Sarkar 8902496652
Dept of Automobile Engineering (HOD) Arindam Mukherjee 7557826702
Dept of Basic Science & Humanities (HOD) Dr.Dipankar Das 9748313603
Dept of Civil Engineering (HOD) Baibaswata Das 9749310400
Dept of Computer Science & Engineering (HOD) Ms. Rinku Supakar 9433773352
Dept of Computer Science & Engineering(AI & ML ) (HOD) Ms. Rinku Supakar 9433773352
Dept of Electronics & Communication Engineering (HOD) Dr. Anirban Neogi +91 98300 78197
Dept of Electrical Engineering (HOD) Dr. Sayantan Chakraborty 9674477187
Dept of Mechanical Engineering (HOD) Dr. Ruma Sen 8794308745
CANTEEN RANJAN CHAKRABORTY 8961228789,6290259130
Security Nirmal Dey 7001222098